Case Studie:

A HR consultancy services provider

Maximising resources, retaining knowhow and scale the business:

Company is a HR consultancy services provider to corporate organisations and its employees.

The unique challenges the company faced was to grow its business beyond its current industry or region whilst also retaining and scaling the knowledge in the business.

The Problem:

Fundamentally, consultancy as a business is hard to scale, as it growth is in relation to the amount of consultants you are they are working with. In addition it is difficult to retain the knowledge of each consultants in your organisation ones they leave, and it is time and cost consuming to train new consultants into the organisation. The owners were also looking for scalability of the business to the next level therefore a scalable approach needed to be found, to increase scope and output services and products towards the existing clients, and potentially to new industries and or region.

The Solution:

KEY has solved this by creating the growth foundation neural network for any user, either internal, consultants, client or client employees to add their knowledge to their own unique part. It allows the business to control and make its knowledge assessable and scalable and with that can create a whole set of new products of services not only for their exciting industry, also for new industries. Creating a dynamic digital Knowledge Asset for the organisation to capture and retain its IP value for the future.