Digital Transformation is a pivotal principle and the foundation for your Knowledge Asset

In this article, we dive into the value of Digital Transformation and how it influences your business development journey.

To fully understand what we are attempting to achieve or change, we need to unlock all information and enhance our knowledge to make better decisions. We follow these 6 principles:

1. Chesterton's Fence - A Lesson in Understanding Before Acting

This is the baseline from where we should start; gather information, make it into a understandable. In a world brimming with technological wonders, the first principle reminds us of the wisdom in Chesterton's Fence: one must fully understand a system before attempting to change it. This ethos is vital in an age where technology evolves rapidly. Understanding the 'why' behind existing systems or procedures ensures that our advancements are not just novel, but truly beneficial and sustainable.

2. Narrow Goal Achievement - The Power of Learning from Mistakes

This is also an important part of the process of understanding information and subsequently the choices we make. Humanity has always progressed by trial and error, acknowledging that what we don't know far exceeds what we do. This principle underlines the importance of embracing our mistakes as learning opportunities. In a technologically advanced society, each error is measured and becomes a data point, a chance to refine algorithms and improve systems and procedures, reminding us that all great innovations are born from countless small failures.

3. Embracing Uncertainty - Increasing Entropy for Better Outcomes

Recognizing that control is an illusion and complete knowledge unattainable, this principle encourages increasing one's entropy - the measure of uncertainty and possibilities. In a tech-enhanced future, this translates to leveraging your data source in a deeper and broader level including diverse other data sources, embracing varied perspectives, and generating innovative solutions that thrive in uncertainty rather than seek to eliminate it.

4. Dynamic Measurement for Continuous Improvement

The fourth principle is about the relentless pursuit of improvement through measurement. In our story, technology enables the constant comparison of current performance against baselines, allowing for real-time adjustments. This dynamic approach ensures that systems, whether data science driven or human-driven, are always evolving, always improving.

5. Continuous Learning - Wisdom from Mistakes.

In this future, learning is not a phase but a continuous journey. Every mistake is a lesson, and with the aid of technology, these lessons are instantly analyzed, understood, and integrated into our collective knowledge base. This ongoing process turns every individual into a lifelong learner, constantly gaining wisdom from experiences.

6. Information Hierarchy - From Data to Wisdom

At the heart of this transformation is the evolution of information. Data, once raw and unprocessed, is turned into information, then knowledge, insight, and finally, wisdom. Technology acts as the alchemist, transforming the mundane into the profound, ensuring that every piece of data has the potential to contribute to collective wisdom.

The Common Thread

The journey from information to wisdom is the common thread in these principles. A journey hampered by limited access to wisdom in our current state. Wisdom, in this context, is not just knowledge but the understanding of how to apply that knowledge effectively and ethically.

In a world governed by these principles, growth and value are foundational. Knowledge is not static but dynamic, continuously updated and enhanced through technological advancements. This ecosystem of knowledge is not just to be understood but managed and controlled, ensuring that its benefits are maximized for the betterment of business, society and the environment.

As we embrace these principles, we create a future where technology is not just a tool, but a partner in our quest for a wiser, more enlightened humanity. This story is not just a vision but a call to action, urging us to blend our technological prowess with the timeless pursuit of wisdom.


  • Category: Brain Food
  • Author: Hans van der Goes
  • Date: 1 February 2021
  • Reading Time: 6 Minute Read